ESPEN Platform Overview


The ESPEN Platform consists of six distinct APIs. You can find more details on each one below.

  • Cartographies API
  • Data API
  • Maps API
  • JAPs API
  • Partners API
  • Shipments API

The Data and Maps APIs have very robust cartographical filtering. You can filter the data and maps by any admin level available in the Cartographies API.

Cartographies API

Get the geojson and other info for any country, region, or IU. Also supports splitting, merging, and reshaping districts.

Data API

Get IU and Site Level analytical data for all diseases (LF, Oncho, Loa, SCH, STH, Trachoma).

Maps API

Get the geojson for any cartography, along with the IU categorization or Site Level coordinates merged in. Allows for the dynamic rendering of maps.

There are over 50 different types of maps that can be produced. They are as follows:


Site Level ⇒ TAS, Sentinel Sites, Mapping Surveys

IU ⇒ Endemicity, MDA/PC Rounds (Projections, Therapeutic, Geographic), Forecast


Site Level ⇒ Impact Assessment, Mapping Surveys (Skin Biopsy, Anti OV16 Test, Nodule Palpation)

IU ⇒ Endemicity, MDA/PC Coverage (Geographic, Therapeutic), MDA/PC Rounds (Geographic, Therapeutic), Forecast


Site Level ⇒ Mapping Surveys (EWH Questionnaire, Blood Smear)

IU ⇒ Endemicity


Site Level ⇒ Mapping Surveys (All Species, S. Haematobium, S. Mansoni)

IU ⇒ Endemicity, MDA/PC Coverage (Geographic SAC, Geographic Total, Therapeutic SAC, Therapeutic Total), MDA/PC Rounds (Geographic SAC, Geographic Total, Therapeutic SAC, Therapeutic Total), Forecast


Site Level ⇒ Mapping Surveys (All Species, Ascaris, Hookworms, Trichuris)

IU ⇒ Endemicity, MDA/PC Coverage (Geographic SAC, Geographic Total, Therapeutic SAC, Therapeutic Total), MDA/PC Rounds (Geographic SAC, Geographic Total, Therapeutic SAC, Therapeutic Total), Forecast


IU ⇒ Endemicity (Baseline TF, Current TF, Current TT), Forecast


Get any JAP in the system, including status and JAP files (JRSM, JRF, EPIRF, EPIRF, TEMF, and signatures)

Partners API

Get donors, partners, and endemicity status for countries, regions, and IUs.

Shipments API

Get various information about drug purchase orders, including the PO number, current status and packed on date.